Role of the surface chemistry of the adsorbent on the initialization step of the water sorption process

Leticia F. Velasco, Didier Snoeck, Arn Mignon, Lara Misseeuw, Conchi O. Ania, Sandra Van Vlierberghe, Peter Dubruel, Nele De Belie, Peter Lodewyckx

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


In this work, an equation for the prediction of the low pressure region of the water adsorption isotherms of activated carbons, based on their amount of surface groups, has been further developed in order to account for porous carbonaceous materials with an oxygen-rich surface chemistry. To attain this goal, highly hydrophilic carbon materials were selected and their surface chemistry was modified by several techniques (mainly thermal and plasma treatments) in order to obtain a series of samples with a surface oxygen content up to 45 wt%. Then, their water sorption isotherms were measured and the amount of surface groups obtained by fitting them by the proposed equation was compared with the one resulting from direct X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. Based on the obtained results, it seems that beyond a certain concentration of surface oxygen, there is a change in the sorption mechanism (from clustering to layering) and consequently, on the size of the water cluster formed before the micropore filling. These findings have allowed us to go a step further in the modelling of this part of the water sorption isotherms and to find a correlation between the surface oxygen content and the water cluster size.

Seiten (von - bis)284-288
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Sept. 2016


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