
The recent deuterium-tritium campaign in JET-ILW (DTE2) has provided a unique opportunity to study the isotope dependence of the L-H power threshold in an ITER-like wall environment (Be wall and W divertor). Here we present results from dedicated L-H transition experiments at JET-ILW, documenting the power threshold in tritium and deuterium-tritium plasmas, comparing them with the matching deuterium and hydrogen datasets. From earlier experiments in JET-ILW it is known that as plasma isotopic composition changes from deuterium, through varying deuterium/hydrogen concentrations, to pure hydrogen, the value of the line averaged density at which the threshold is minimum, n ˉ e , min , increases, leading us to expect that n ˉ e , min (T) < n ˉ e , min (DT) < n ˉ e , min (D) < n ˉ e , min (H). The new power threshold data confirms these expectations in most cases, with the corresponding ordering of the minimum power thresholds. We present a comparison of this data to power threshold scalings, used for extrapolation to future devices such as ITER and DEMO.

FachzeitschriftNuclear Fusion
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Nov. 2023


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