In Vitro Techniques and Measurements of Phage Characteristics That Are Important for Phage Therapy Success

Tea Glonti, Jean Paul Pirnay

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftÜbersichtsartikelBegutachtung


Validated methods for phage selection, host range expansion, and lytic activity determination are indispensable for maximizing phage therapy outcomes. In this review, we describe some relevant methods, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages, and categorize them as preliminary or confirmatory methods where appropriate. Experimental conditions, such as the composi-tion and consistency of culture media, have an impact on bacterial growth and, consequently, phage propagation and the selection of phage-resistant mutants. The phages require different experimental conditions to be tested to fully reveal their characteristics and phage therapy potential in view of their future use in therapy. Phage lytic activity or virulence should be considered as a result of the phage, its host, and intracellular/environmental factors, including the ability of a phage to recognize receptors on the bacterial cell surface. In vitro quantitative and qualitative measurements of phage characteristics, further validated by in vivo experiments, could be incorporated into one system or mathematical model/formula, which could predict a potential successful outcome of clinical applications.

PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juli 2022


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