Effect of energetic ions on edge-localized modes in tokamak plasmas

The ASDEX Upgrade Team, The EUROfusion MST1 Team

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


The most efficient and promising operational regime for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor tokamak is the high-confinement mode. In this regime, however, periodic relaxations of the plasma edge can occur. These edge-localized modes pose a threat to the integrity of the fusion device. Here we reveal the strong impact of energetic ions on the spatio-temporal structure of edge-localized modes in tokamaks using nonlinear hybrid kinetic–magnetohydrodynamic simulations. A resonant interaction between the fast ions at the plasma edge and the electromagnetic perturbations from the edge-localized mode leads to an energy and momentum exchange. Energetic ions modify, for example, the amplitude, frequency spectrum and crash timing of edge-localized modes. The simulations reproduce some observations that feature abrupt and large edge-localized mode crashes. The results indicate that, in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, a strong interaction between the fusion-born alpha particles and ions from neutral beam injection, a main heating and fast particle source, is expected with predicted edge-localized mode perturbations. This work advances the understanding of the physics underlying edge-localized mode crashes in the presence of energetic particles and highlights the importance of including energetic ion kinetic effects in the optimization of edge-localized mode control techniques and regimes that are free of such modes.

FachzeitschriftNature Physics
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/Im Druck - 2025


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