Control of the hydrogen:deuterium isotope mixture using pellets in JET

M. Valovič, Y. Baranov, A. Boboc, J. Buchanan, J. Citrin, E. Delabie, L. Frassinetti, J. M. Fontdecaba, L. Garzotti, C. Giroud, R. McKean, E. Lerche, V. Kiptily, F. Köchl, M. Marin, M. Maslov, S. Menmuir, G. Tvalashvili, H. Weisen

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Deuterium pellets are injected into an initially pure hydrogen H-mode plasma in order to control the hydrogen:deuterium (H:D) isotope mixture. The pellets are deposited in the outer 20% of the minor radius, similar to that expected in ITER, creating transiently hollow electron density profiles. A H:D isotope mixture of approximately 45%:55% is obtained in the core with a pellet fuelling throughput of φpel = 0.045Paux/Te,ped similar to previous pellet fuelling experiments in pure deuterium. Evolution of the H:D mix in the core is reproduced using a simple model, although deuterium transport could be higher at the beginning of the pellet train compared with the flat-top phase.

FachzeitschriftNuclear Fusion
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 9 Sept. 2019


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