Goal of the project
In the event of an emergency due to a fire or other crisis it is time consuming to establish whether the ground can be entered safely by human beings. The VIEW-FINDER project seeks to develop and utilise robots and an advanced base station for inspection and in-situ data gathering.
Role of the organisation
RMA co-develops robots that will be equipped with onboard TV/IR cameras, LADAR and other sensors to enhance scene reconstruction, as well as a wide array of chemical sensors.
Funding acknowledgement
The View-Finder project was funded through the EU-FP6 project grant number 045541 in Advanced Robotics (IST-2005-2.6.1).
Akronym | View-Finder |
Status | Nicht begonnen |
- Royal Military Academy (Leitung)
- Sheffield Hallam University
- Democritus University of Thrace
- Sapienza University of Rome
- PIAP Group
- Intelligence for Environment and Security (IES) Solutions SRL
- South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Services (Syfire)
- Galileo Avionics
RHID domain
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