Tactical Environmental Mapping for Battlefield Casualty Care

Projekt: ForschungResearch


Goal of the project

The TaMaCare project emerges from this critical observation, aiming to revolutionise battlefield casualty care by creating a real-time digital twin of the frontline. More precisely, we aim to improve response times and decision-making in critical situations. The proposed digital twin aims to provide medics with a clear view of the battlefield, encompassing the location of injured soldiers, their vital signs, and any structures or potential dangers present in the vicinity.

Role of the organisation

Robotics and 3D vision specialists from the RMA will contribute their expertise in 3D mapping technologies.

Funding acknowledgement

This project is financed under the Defence-related Research Action - DEFRA
StatusNicht begonnen
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/03/2529/02/28



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