Goal of the project
NNTEX 20-22C purpose is to bring together stakeholders and warfighters to execute scenarios employing low-collateral damage C-UAV technologies.
The activity focuses on the engagement part of the kill chain (Detect, Track, Identify, Neutralize).
Dedicated technologies are compared to tests which assess the C-UAS capability of a squad performing AAAD (All Arms Air Defence) using their organic weapons.
NNTEX 20-22C will determine the level of effectiveness and suitability for each participating C-UAS technology during realistic and relevant scenarios.
funding: NATO
The activity focuses on the engagement part of the kill chain (Detect, Track, Identify, Neutralize).
Dedicated technologies are compared to tests which assess the C-UAS capability of a squad performing AAAD (All Arms Air Defence) using their organic weapons.
NNTEX 20-22C will determine the level of effectiveness and suitability for each participating C-UAS technology during realistic and relevant scenarios.
funding: NATO
Role of the organisation
Project lead and technology support.
Akronym | NNTEX 20-22 CUAS |
Status | Abgeschlossen |
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende | 1/01/19 → 31/08/22 |
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