Exploring The Potential of Multispectral Camouflage Against Current and Emerging Threats

Projekt: ForschungResearch


Goal of the project

This project aims to enhance the camouflage effectiveness of soldiers wearing BDCS garments in various spectral ranges, specifically targeting NIR, SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR wavelengths. By integrating advanced technologies into the clothing like raincoats, cold weather gear, battle dress uniform, and/or tactical carriers, the project seeks to achieve comprehensive stealth capabilities across different operational environments.

Role of the organisation

RMA will work on the adoption of the developed camouflage technologies on the BDCS garments as well as testing and verification.
KurztitelExploring The Potential of Multispectral Camouflage Against Current and Emerging Threats
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/09/2430/08/28



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