Building a common understanding of the effectiveness of counter-UAS solutions

Projekt: ForschungResearch


Goal of the project

COURAGEOUS aims to facilitate the development of a common baseline understanding amongst Member State authorities concerning the effectiveness of different technical systems intended for use in specifically the detection, tracking and identification of no

Role of the organisation

Development of standard C-UAS test scenarios, methods and validation strategies

Wichtigste Erkenntnisse

The COURAGEOUS project established new standards and methodologies for evaluating counter-UAS systems. By uniting technology, standardized testing, and stakeholder engagement, COURAGEOUS has made strides in supporting national and EU-wide security efforts and advancing the C-UAS industry.
The COURAGEOUS project, funded under the EU’s Internal Security Fund, was launched to address the growing security challenge posed by unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or drones. With the increasing accessibility of drones, law enforcement and security agencies face complex tasks in monitoring, detecting, and mitigating threats in low airspace. The project recognized the need for a unified, standardized approach to assess and compare the effectiveness of C-UAS systems to support decision-making at national and EU levels.

Funding acknowledgement

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Internal Security Fund Police under Grant Agreement 101034655 (COURAGEOUS).
KurztitelBuilding a common understanding of the effectiveness of counter-UAS solutions
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/04/2131/10/24


  • Royal Military Academy (Leitung)
  • Police Fédérale Belge
  • Hellenic Police
  • The International Criminal Police Organization
  • Kentro Meleton Asfaleias
  • Police Grand-Ducale
  • Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet
  • Ministerio del Interior
  • Serviciul de Protectie si Paza
  • TNO Defence Security and Safety (NL)
  • Universidad de Sevilla
  • Romanian Association for Standardization

RHID domain

  • DAP


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