Alliance for Strategic Skills addressing Emerging Technologies in Defence

Projekt: ForschungResearch


Goal of the project

Currently, more than three-quarters of companies in the European Union report difficulties in finding workers with the necessary skills, while only 37% of adults participate in regular training. The Defence sector is no exception to this trend. The rapid pace of technological evolution is drastically changing the labour market. Developing educational content for the workforce of the near future is essential. Furthermore, many misconceptions surround defence activities; however, this industry consistently operates at the forefront of innovation, offering the most advanced technologies and a highly international and multidisciplinary environment. The ASSETs+ project aims to dispel the myths and biases associated with the defence sector while designing new courses and challenges that effectively capture students’ attention.

Role of the organisation

RMA will co-develop a Defence Technology Roadmap, mapping key enabling technologies and defence-related applications; create a Skills Blueprint, classifying skills and job profiles for Defence technologies; Establish a Body of Knowledge, featuring an ontology of technologies, skills, knowledge, and jobs for defence; Develop a Strategy for developing human resources in the Defence sector, including an action plan on skills to enhance EU Defence capabilities; Design education and training programmes, by incorporating a pedagogical and technical framework for courses on Defence technologies; Develop education and training prototype programmes to ensure the advancement of human resources for Defence.

Funding acknowledgement

This project was funded by the EU project ASSETs+ Project (Alliance for Strategic Skills addressing Emerging Technologies in Defence) EAC/A03/2018 - Erasmus+ programme, Sector Skills Alliances.
KurztitelAlliance for Strategic Skills addressing Emerging Technologies in Defence
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/01/2031/03/24


  • Royal Military Academy
  • University of Pisa (Leitung)
  • University of Bordeaux
  • CentraleSupélec
  • Rzeszow University of Technology
  • University of Cadiz
  • Universidad de Sevilla
  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Mercantec
  • Aerocampus Aquitaine
  • Leonardo S.p.A
  • HENSOLDT Group
  • Airbus Defence and Space
  • Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. and Co KG
  • Navantia
  • Safran Electronics & Defense
  • Saab Dynamics AB
  • Center for Defence, Space & Security (CenSec)
  • Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale della Campania- DAC Scarl
  • Madrid Aerospace Cluster
  • SEA Europe asbl
  • Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB)
  • European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF)
  • Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence (CIMEA)
  • Eupportunity
  • reportbrain

RHID domain

  • DAP


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