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BSP2.0: Development of a Bullet Simulating Projectile 2.0
Ferreira Azevedo, A. (Forschende) & Coghe, F. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
STARSCI: Statistical and timing aspects related to side-channel attacks, with a focus on software Implementations
Petit, J. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Morin Duchesne, A. (Forschende)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
E-YOUTH: Empowering Youth: collaborative partnerships for inclusive recruitment and training @ the Belgian Defence
Resteigne, D. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Gomes, W. (Forschende)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
SMALL: Social Media Analysis using Large Language models and multimodal deep learning
Van Utterbeeck, F. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Fernandez Toledano, J. (Forschende) & De Clerck, B. (Forschende)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
HYPER-IP: Hyperspectral Imaging Platform for the European Defence
Haelterman, R. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Hosteaux, S. (Forschende) & De Meulemeester, H. (Forschende)
11/12/24 → 10/07/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
AHTAFEM: Development of a Human Thorax/Abdomen Finite Element Model for the risk assessment of non-penetrative impacts
Robbe, C. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
2/12/24 → 31/08/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
GUIDED: Revolutionizing the User Experience of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robotics Operators with Augmented 3D Awareness
Hasselmann, K. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Hamesse, C. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/12/24 → 31/12/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
SAILS: Autonomous Maritime UAS Landing Solution
Nguyên, T. (Forschende) & De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/12/24 → 31/12/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
GENIUS: A GENIUS solution for Addressing Modern Challenges in Explosive Threat Neutralization
De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Vandewal, M. (Forschende), Vochten, M. (Forschende), Lebecque, F. (Forschende), TUNON DE LARA RAMOS Matéo Esteban, L. (Forschende), Hasselmann, K. (Forschende) & Le Flécher, E. (Forschende)
1/12/24 → 30/11/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
FORCES: FOundations for Reliable, CorrEct, and Secure robotic systems
Hasselmann, K. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/12/24 → 31/12/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
RESILIENCE-R: First research action for Medical counter measures performed in the frame of the RESILIENCE FPA consortium
Pirnay, J.-P. (Forschende)
1/11/24 → 31/10/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
DEFSTRASTEG: Design of an Efficient Framework for Strategic Steganalysis
Petit, J. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Daems, D. (Forschende)
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
GRAND: GNSS – free Autonomous Navigation for Drones
De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Mimassi, J. (Forschende) & Ouendo, P.-E. (Forschende)
14/10/24 → 31/10/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
Mmine Sweeper: Marine Munition in Europe - Solutions with Economic and Ecological Profits for Efficient Remediation
Lopera Tellez, O. (Forschende)
1/10/24 → 31/03/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
FEMHEALTH: Caring for the female military: optimizing reproductive health
Van Cutsem, J. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
MILANG: The language of the military: The role of verbal communication and verbal thinking in optimizing military performance
Lo Bue, S. (Forschende) & Bourguignon, N. (Forschende)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
ACTEX: Advanced Characterization of TErtiary eXplosives
Van Riet, R. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
SHERPA: A social history of the largest Belgian army ever during the Phoney War (1939-1940)
Simoens, T. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
INTERMIL: Intercomprehension competence development in Belgian Defence Forces
Snoeijers, E. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Limbos, S. (Forschende)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
FAO-Ukraine: Technical Support the Health Assessment of soils affected by the war and organization of a training programme on fundamental principles of soil and groundwater pollution
Simoens, B. (Forschende)
1/09/24 → 31/03/25
Projekt: Transfer › Scientific services
Multicam+ : Exploring The Potential of Multispectral Camouflage Against Current and Emerging Threats
Vandewal, M. (Forschende)
1/09/24 → 30/08/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
EMPORIA: Emerging powers’ maritime nationalism and its consequences for Belgium and the EU
Du Bois, C. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/07/24 → 30/06/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
Marinus, B. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Billot, G. (Forschende)
1/07/24 → 30/06/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
GRiTA: Ground Vehicle Ride Quality Testing and Analysis with Complex Terrain
Nishio, Y. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Harri, K. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/06/24 → 31/05/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
PHYSTWA: Demonstration of a TWA system on the tokamak WEST
Vergote, M. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Maquet, V. (Forschende) & Acheroy, S. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/06/24 → 31/05/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
BIALF: A Belgian Integrated Approach to LawFare – towards a defensive and offensive legal strategy in a European and international context
Dewulf, S. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Baron, A.-C. (Forschende)
1/06/24 → 31/05/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
ANIMUS: stAndarization aNd Interoperability of Military Unmanned Systems
Le Flécher, E. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Hawari, D. (Forschende) & Ouendo, P.-E. (Forschende)
1/06/24 → 31/05/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
MLM-NG: Modular Lightweight Minesweeping – Next Generation
Lopera Tellez, O. (Forschende)
1/05/24 → 30/04/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
ARMISTICE: Adaptive FRagMent Impact & BlaST loadIng TeChniquE
Lecompte, D. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Kechagiadakis, G. (Forschende)
1/05/24 → 30/04/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
OKENU: Optimization of the Kinetic-Energy Neutralization of small-UAS
Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Ameloot, C. (Forschende)
1/03/24 → 29/02/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
Vtraj: Validated Trajectory Toolbox
Marinus, B. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & de Briey, V. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
26/02/24 → 25/02/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
AWBEM: Development of computer-based empirical models for wound ballistics vulnerability assessment
Robbe, C. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Monteiro Fernandes, J. T. (Forschende)
26/01/24 → 25/01/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
Mees, W. (Forschende) & Nikolov, G. (Forschende)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
Research in support of personalized bacteriophage therapy of difficult-to-treat infections
Merabishvili, M. (Forschende), Pirnay, J.-P. (Forschende), Steurs, G. (Forschende) & Cochez, C. (Forschende)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
MULTIMETER: Autonomous Unmanned Vessels for Maritime Mine Countermeasures Operations
Le Flécher, E. (Forschende), La Grappe, A. (Forschende), De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Haelterman, R. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/01/24 → 31/03/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
BELGIAN: Mobile manipulation for demining, EOD & IED operations
Hasselmann, K. (Weitere Forschende), Hamesse, C. (Weitere Forschende), Malizia, M. (Forschende) & Haelterman, R. (Forschende)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
SpEx Care: Spiritual-Existential Care (1)
Dewyn, M. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
VENT-DEFENSE: Tackling a ventilator surge capacity problem by developing an AI based protocol for Individualized Shared Ventilation
Marinus, B. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/12/23 → 28/02/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
THREATSENS: Sensitive on-site threat detection towards Defence security
Simoens, B. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/12/23 → 28/02/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
ANDORRA: AdvaNceD cOmposite for smaRt pRotective Armour
Coghe, F. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/12/23 → 28/02/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
AMC3: Automated Methodoloy for Common Criteria Certification
Mees, W. (Forschende)
1/12/23 → 31/05/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
SIREN: Ship Intel foR the bElgian Navy
Vandewal, M. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/12/23 → 28/02/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
AIDEDex: Artificial Intelligence for Detection of Explosive Ordnance Extended
De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Hasselmann, K. (Forschende)
1/12/23 → 30/11/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
CONVOY: ClOud iNtelligent explosiVe detectiOn sYstem
Le Flécher, E. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Freixo Goncalves, M. (Forschende)
1/12/23 → 30/11/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
AQUILA: Affordable Quick-reaction UAS Interception and Long-range Accuracy
Van Riet, R. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Gelain, R. (Forschende)
1/12/23 → 1/12/26
Projekt: Forschung › Research
BELMILCAS: Belgian Military Casualties since 1945
Simoens, T. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/11/23 → 31/10/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
DREAM: Distributed Reconnaissance And Mapping system (DREAM)
Hamesse, C. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Le Flécher, E. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Fréville, T. (Forschende), Miuccio, A. (Forschende) & Haelterman, R. (Forschende)
1/11/23 → 31/10/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
Ship AI: Automated ship image analysis using Artificial Intelligence
Vandewal, M. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Nita, C. (Forschende)
1/10/23 → 30/09/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
SLATE: Self Learning Attack surface Explorer
Mees, W. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Simon, R. (Forschende)
11/09/23 → 10/09/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
ACODIS: Armed COnflict and DISinformation: Analysing and Strengthening the International Legal Framework against ‘Fake News’ in Conflict Situations
Dewulf, S. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Vandeput, L. (Forschende)
1/09/23 → 31/08/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research