Projekte pro Jahr
Persönliches Profil
Geert De Cubber is the team leader of the Robotics & Autonomous Systems unit of the department of Mechanics of the Belgian Royal Military Academy. He is also a senior researcher at this institute with a research focus on developing robotic solutions for solving security challenges like crisis management, the fight against crime and terrorism and border security.
He received his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in 2001 from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and his Doctoral Degree in Engineering in 2010 from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Belgian Royal Military Academy (RMA).
He is and was the coordinator of multiple European and national research projects, like FP7-ICARUS (on the development of search and rescue robots), H2020-SafeShore (on the development of a threat detection system) and COURAGEOUS (on the development on a standard test methodology for C-UAS tools). Next to this, he is the principal investigator for RMA for multiple international research projects like STARS*EU and ASSETs+.
His research interests include methodologies for perceiving and control of multi-agent robotic systems, across the air, land and maritime domain. His major goal is to find new ways to make multiple robotic systems capable of understanding their environment and decide on optimal collaborative strategies. Prominent application examples are crisis management robots, humanitarian demining robots, robots for surveillance applications, and generically robotics for tough environments.
Bildung/Akademische Qualifikationen
Polytechnics, Promovend, Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Datum der Bewilligung: 1 März 2010
- 1 Ähnliche Profile
Kooperationen und Spitzenforschungsbereiche der letzten fünf Jahre
SAILS: Autonomous Maritime UAS Landing Solution
Nguyên, T. (Forschende) & De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/12/24 → 31/12/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
GENIUS: A GENIUS solution for Addressing Modern Challenges in Explosive Threat Neutralization
De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Hasselmann, K. (Forschende), Le Flécher, E. (Forschende) & Lebecque, F. (Forschende)
1/12/24 → 30/11/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
GRAND: GNSS – free Autonomous Navigation for Drones
De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Mimassi, J. (Forschende) & Ouendo, P.-E. (Forschende)
14/10/24 → 31/10/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
MULTIMETER: Autonomous Unmanned Vessels for Maritime Mine Countermeasures Operations
Le Flécher, E. (Forschende), La Grappe, A. (Forschende), De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Haelterman, R. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/01/24 → 31/03/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
AIDEDex: Artificial Intelligence for Detection of Explosive Ordnance Extended
De cubber, G. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Hasselmann, K. (Forschende)
1/12/23 → 30/11/27
Projekt: Forschung › Research
A multi-robot system for the detection of explosive devices
Hasselmann, K., Malizia, M., Caballero, R., Polisano, F., Govindaraj, S., Stigler, J., Ilchenko, O., Bajic, M. & De Cubber, G., 2024, "IEEE ICRA Workshop on Field Robotics".Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Konferenzbeitrag › Begutachtung
Open Access -
Assisted Explosive Ordnance Disposal: Teleoperated Robotic Systems with AI, Virtual Reality, and Semi-Autonomous Manipulation for Safer Demining Operations
Malizia, M., Casado Fauli, A. M., Hasselmann, K., Le Flécher, E., De Cubber, G. & Haelterman, R., 2024, 20th International Symposium Mine Action. CTRO-HR, S. 52-55 4 S.Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Konferenzbeitrag › Begutachtung
Open Access -
COURAGEOUS: Test Methods for Counter-UAS Systems
Borghgraef, A., Vandewal, M. & De Cubber, G., 2024, Target and Background Signatures X: Traditional Methods and Artificial Intelligence. Stein, K. & Schleijpen, R. (Hrsg.). Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 131990D. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Band 13199).Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Konferenzbeitrag › Begutachtung
COURAGEOUS: test methods for counter-UAS systems
Borghgraef, A., Vandewal, M. & De Cubber, G., 2024, In Proceedings SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Target and Background Signatures X: Traditional Methods and Artificial Intelligence. Stein, K. & Schleijpen, R. (Hrsg.). Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Band 13199. S. 131990DPublikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Konferenzbeitrag › Begutachtung
HADRON: Human-friendly Control and Artificial Intelligence for Military Drone Operations
Casado Fauli, A. M., Malizia, M., Hasselmann, K., Le Flécher, E., De Cubber, G. & Lauwens, B., 2024, In Proceedings 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Konferenzbeitrag › Begutachtung
Open Access
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement CWA 18150:2024 ‘Unmanned aircraft systems – Counter UAS – Testing methodology’
De cubber, G. (Organisator)
23 Jan. 2024Aktivität: Teilnahme an oder Organisation einer Veranstaltung › Organisation einer Konferenz, einem Workshop (outside RMA)
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement on standard test methods
De cubber, G. (Gastredner)
4 Dez. 2024Aktivität: Gespräch oder Vortrag › Geladener Gastvortrag
European Defence Challenge
De cubber, G. (Organisator) & Doroftei, L. (Organisator)
29 Apr. 2024Aktivität: Teilnahme an oder Organisation einer Veranstaltung › Organisation einer Konferenz, einem Workshop (outside RMA)
De cubber, G. (Organisator)
17 Okt. 2024 → 18 Okt. 2024Aktivität: Teilnahme an oder Organisation einer Veranstaltung › Organisation einer Konferenz, einem Workshop (outside RMA)
BRIAS: War & Peace and robotics
Le Flécher, E. (Gastredner) & De cubber, G. (Redner)
2 Mai 2024Aktivität: Gespräch oder Vortrag › Geladener Gastvortrag
2020 STO Excellence Award
De cubber, G. (Empfänger/-in), 2020
Auszeichnung: NATO STO Awards › STO Excellence Award (Team)
NATO Innovation Challenge (Fall 2020/2 iteration)
Doroftei, L. (Empfänger/-in), De Vleeschauwer, T. (Co-author), Lo Bue, S. (Co-author), Dewyn, M. (Co-author), Vanderstraeten, F. (Co-author) & De cubber, G. (Co-author), 10 Dez. 2020
"Er zijn veel doelwitten voor drones", veiligheidsdiensten oefenen droneaanval
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Defensetech groeit in Belgie: Er is veel meer aan de militaire industrie dan wapens leveren
1 eigener Medienbeitrag
Team Royal Military Academy of Belgium Announced as Winner of the NATO Innovation Challenge – Fall 2020 Iteration
Doroftei, L., De Vleeschauwer, T., Lo Bue, S., Dewyn, M., Vanderstraeten, F. & De cubber, G.
1 Objekt von Medienberichte
24/24u gezien aan de kust: de strandscanner is watching you
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