Projekte pro Jahr
OKENU: Optimization of the Kinetic-Energy Neutralization of small-UAS
Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Ameloot, C. (Forschende)
1/03/24 → 29/02/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
AWBEM: Development of computer-based empirical models for wound ballistics vulnerability assessment
Robbe, C. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Monteiro Fernandes, J. T. (Forschende)
26/01/24 → 25/01/28
Projekt: Forschung › Research
DAP/22-12: Development of a tool to Predict the Performance and the Risk of C-sUAS systems (PPR/C-sUAS)
Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Vandewal, M. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Harmel, F. (Forschende) & Heuchamps, A. (Forschende)
1/09/22 → 1/09/26
Projekt: Forschung › Research
MSP/22-04: Quantitative correlation between the dimensions of a firearm and the internal pressure developed by an ammunition
Robbe, C. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Papy, A. (Weitere Forschende) & Chabotier, A. (Forschende)
1/01/22 → 31/12/25
Projekt: Forschung › Research
MSP/21-01: Development of biofidelic surrogates for Kinetic Energy Non-Lethal Weapons (KENLW) and Behind Armour Blunt Trauma (BABT)
Robbe, C. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in), Papy, A. (Weitere Forschende) & Andrei, A.-M. (Forschende)
1/01/21 → 31/12/24
Projekt: Forschung › Research
jey C-UAS: Joint European sYstem for Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems (jey CUAS)
Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Ameloot, C. (Forschende)
1/06/20 → 1/06/24
Projekt: Forschung › Research
MSP/19-03: Design of a low collateral damage ballistic weapon system for short range LSS UAV neutralization
Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Ameloot, C. (Forschende)
1/09/19 → 1/03/24
Projekt: Forschung › Research
NNTEX 20-22 CUAS: NATO Non-Lethal Technology Exercise C-UAS 20-22
Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Ameloot, C. (Forschende)
1/01/19 → 31/08/22
Projekt: Forschung › Research
MSP/18-03: Development of Thorax/abdomen and Head Finite Element Models for the risk assessment of blunt impacts on the human body
Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Nsiampa, N. (Forschende)
1/01/18 → 31/12/21
Projekt: Forschung › Research
MSP/17-03: Experimental evaluation of kinetic energy non lethal weapons
Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in) & Robbe, C. (Forschende)
1/01/17 → 31/12/20
Projekt: Forschung › Research
AR/11: Evaluation des systèmes d'armes à létalité réduite à énergie cinétique
Papy, A. (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
1/01/13 → 31/12/15
Projekt: Forschung › Research