Centre for Military Social Research



This research unit has developed an expertise in the organizational analysis of Belgian and European military organizations and in surveys and market research around security and Defense issues, diversity and inclusion, recruitment, job satisfaction, organizational culture and image.

Our vision is to provide a creative approach and to develop social sciences solutions to the current challenges faced by military organizations, during training and operations both at home and abroad.

Our mission is to deliver research support, academic advice and technical expertise to the Belgian Defense both in preparing for and during the conduct of operations. The center aims to gather, assess and report on information that will enhance the organizational effectiveness of the Belgian Defense.


Ergründen Sie die Forschungsthemen, in denen Centre for Military Social Research aktiv ist. Diese Themenbezeichnungen stammen aus den Arbeiten der Mitglieder dieser Organisation. Zusammen bilden sie einen einzigartigen Fingerprint.

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