HFM-SCI-ET-219: Human Swarm Interaction

  • Gugliotta, A. (Member)
  • Martin Castor (Co-Chair)
  • Ryan Bumgardner (Co-Chair)
  • Anthia Solaki (Member)
  • August Capiola (Member)
  • Christina Aldrin (Mentor)
  • Hannu Karvonen (Member)
  • Jonas Rockbach (Member)
  • Laurien Hofstra (Member)
  • Marie Linet (Sonstige)
  • Mathias Minos-Stensrud (Member)
  • Matjaz Breskvar (Member)
  • Primoz Zagavec (Member)
  • Siebren Wolf (Sonstige)
  • Stepan Alexa (Member)
  • Vasiliki Plessia Aravani (Sonstige)
  • William Mead (Member)

Aktivität: SonstigeParticipation to a NATO STO RTG/ET


The research efforts of the ET focus on the intersection between a) the control possibilities provided by current algorithms from the SI field, b) the experiences and requirements on human machines interfaces (HMI) and human control from the human-centered automation field, and c) input from military operators (“draft CONOPS”, operational and safety issues) in order to accelerate the development of a systemic level understanding of operational swarm applications and how the swarm needs to be controlled by human operators.
The expected achievement is a proposal for the formation of a RTG, including TAP and required supporting documentation, with national interests and potential for a CDT investigated. Also, the potential for cross-panel collaboration will have been investigated, even though the main proposal for the RTG is targeting human factors and human control insights.
Zeitraum1 Jan. 202431 Dez. 2024